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Baby dull (2020)


Silvia Giambrone


The performance, updated ad hoc for Spazio Taverna, is a performative action performed by the artist who, in collaboration with some professionals from different sectors and skills, stages the introjection of violence and some of its possible interpretations.


Experience designed by Silvia Giambrone for Spazio Taverna in collaboration with Stefano Ambrosetti (Lawyer), Massimo Bassan (Gravitational Physicist), Igor Branchi (Ethologist), Davide Enia (Writer), Isabella Pratesi (Naturalist)





Agrigento (1981)

Lives and works between Rome and London. He works with performance, installation, sculpture, video, sound. His research focuses on the subterranean forms of subjugation. Over the past five years he has won numerous awards and participated in numerous conferences and residencies in Europe and the United States. He is ambassador for Kaunas European city of culture 2022. He wins the VAF Award 2019.

Among his most significant exhibitions: Eurasia, Mart, Rovereto (2009); Moscow Biennale: Do you live here? (2010); Re-Generation, Macro Museum, Rome (2012); Criticism in art, MAR Museum, Ravenna (2014); W Women in Italian Design, Triennale di Milano (2016); Time is out of Joint, La Galleria Nazionale, Rome (2017); Young Italians 1968 - 2018, IIC, New York City (2018); VII VAF Foundation Award, Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany (2019); Feminism in Italian contemporary art, Richard Saltoun Gallery, London (2019); Subversions, Museo 900, Florence (2019); Mascarilla19, MAXXI, Rome (2020); The Art Screen, Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence (2020); Nobody's room. Indeed, he speaks, Museo del Novecento, Milan (2020); I say myself, The National Gallery, Rome (2021).

He works with Richard Saltoun Gallery in London, Marcolini Gallery in Forlì and Stefania Miscetti Studio in Rome.



Stefano Ambrosetti

Lawyer, cassation lawyer, active in the field of civil and corporate law.

He lives in Rome with his partner Isabella, two daughters (Nina and Titti) a dog (Patti) and a cat (Flavio).

Always passionate and curious about art, cinema and literature.


Gravitational Physicist

Massimo Bassan

Roman, experimental physicist, lazy, a little humanist. After a doctorate in California, he has been at the University of Rome Tor Vergata for many, many years A lifetime looking for gravitational waves, but when they found them he did something else. On the verge of retirement, he works for a space mission that will provide the first data in 2035



Igor Branchi

Researcher and Group Leader at the Reference Center for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and, as Visiting Professor, teaches ethology at the University of Rome Sapienza. Igor Branchi's research activity consists of an integrated approach - from molecules to behavior, to the living environment - to investigate the biological basis of behavior. He is interested in issues related to the complexity and role of the environment as a key determinant of the organism. He is a member of international scientific and editorial committees and is President-elect of the European Brain Behavior Society. He is the author of more than 70 publications in international scientific journals and of numerous scientific-popular articles.



Davide Enia

He is a director, actor, playwright, novelist. He has won the most important theater and literary awards in Italy. The first novel is "So on earth" (2012), the second is "Notes for a shipwreck" (2017), from which the theater show, "The abyss" was born.



Isabella Pratesi

He directs the conservation program of WWF Italy dedicated to the defense of biodiversity in Italy and in the world. Struggles to protect nearby, everyday nature along with crucial ecosystems around the world. He writes books and dossiers on the themes of nature, participates in numerous television and radio broadcasts and uses all the opportunities to outline the urgency to act to give a future to our extraordinary planet.

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