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Spazio Taverna carries out projects of contamination between the artistic, industrial and scientific world, to help companies and institutions to tell their story, innovate and imagine themselves in the future, to look at themselves with different eyes through contemporary artists.

Workshops, coaching and growth paths dedicated to entrepreneurs and management to develop visionary and a purpose-oriented approach to work




Artists represent the center of research and development of humanity. Through the way they challenge the materials and concepts of our time they produce new thoughts and generate innovative ideas.


Being sustainable means knowing how to last over time. Artists are faced every day with the design of works capable of overcoming the challenges of time.


With its symbolic value, art represents the main tool for positioning the brand at an international level, allowing it to reach different audiences at the same time.


Artists are the only social actors who systematically grasp the signals of reality and imagine the future evolutions of society.




The exhibition, hosted on the -1 floor of Gazometro 3, tells the story of changing energy through 17 of the best Italian artists of the new generation, invited to interpret spaces through the generative force of contemporary art.

Eni firmly believes in the role of innovation, investing in research and development of technologies capable of accelerating the evolution of the sector, and trying to facilitate meetings and collaboration between innovators from all fields.

The exhibition is an opportunity to experiment and offer visitors unusual perspectives, reinterpreting the concept of energy linked to the twentieth century - with the gas inside the gasometers reaching towards the sky - concentrating the entire artistic production underground, where the sculptures and installations by the artists project visitors into an indistinct temporal horizon.



The exhibition “Connect-it. Visions to connect the world", produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with Ance (National Association of Building Contractors), is a story of the evolution of the infrastructure sector in Italy in a multidisciplinary way, thanks to the transversal views of a photographer, a video artist, a composer and a writer.

“Connect-It” is conceived as an interactive adventure where each stage suggests a sensorial immersion, capable of bringing the visitor into the heart of the great Italian works.

The exhibition is divided into five spiral-shaped capsules, each linked to a specific theme from the world of connections: landscape, cities, history, heritage and borders. A sixth capsule is dedicated to the infrastructures created abroad by Italian companies, through two projections on wall screens.



For some time, artists have been questioning the most urgent environmental issues, bringing to the attention of the general public the challenges that society must face to promote sustainable development.

CONAI, the national packaging consortium, invites ten members of the new generation of Italian artists every year to reinterpret the circular economy through artistic thought.

The exhibition investigates the ability of contemporary art to be a vehicle of innovation thanks to its ability to produce counterintuitive visions and lateral but far-sighted points of view.



Camilla Alberti

G7 Ambiente, Reggia di Venaria


Ruth Beraha

MAXXI Corner - Camera dei Deputati - Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy


Giulio Bensasson

Palazzo Taverna


Interview column on Artribune that collects the visions of the leaders of global organizations who represent the new protagonists of the social, scientific, economic and cultural scene of this era. The interviews will focus on companies and organizations that have a close connection with contemporary art. An observatory on the issues of complexity and sustainability to gather inspiration and imagine new directions of development.

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