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Trattoria, dirt, poorly lit room, in which anything can happen. What is a taverna? Or, what was it? The meeting place, of chance, of happaning where every evening was the same, coloring each time with new elements. The tavern is the place where art and artists have found their place, their own living. As Ugo Pirro also states in the historic text “Osteria dei pittori”. From here we started, from this terminological consonance between the courtly surname that hosts the space ("Taverna", in fact ") and the place, now past, that reigns in the collective imagination, that" tavern which, as it is stated in the Encyclopedia Treccani: "Tavern, low-ranking restaurant, frequented by unsavory people". A re-actualization of this place of events, of continuous happenstance. 



Scholar, curator of contemporary art. He specialized in analyzing the relationship of artists with technologies and the media. He is director of the Art section of Maker Faire - The European Edition, the largest fair in Europe of creativity and innovation, coordinator of art projects for the Sony CS Lab in Paris.

On these issues he is a research doctor at the Roma Tre University, he was Part-Time Post Doc Research Fellow at the same University. He has carried out research in important centers such as the ZKM in Karlsruhe, the Tate Modern, the University of Dundee, participating in international conferences and writing several essays in specialized books and journals (see,

He was founder and artistic director of the Media Art Festival in Rome (MAXXI Museum) and coordinator of the Art programs of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Valentino is also curator of the Kunstraum Goethe (Art Space) for the Goethe Institut in Rome. He is a member of the Hyphen Hub Community of New York.

He is the author of the books Media Art. Perspectives of the arts towards the 21st century. Stories, theories, preservation (Mimesis, 2016) and Art as Inventor (Rowman & Littlefield, London 2019). He is also a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce.

He has curated exhibitions in important museums and international institutions including: Minnesota Street Project (San Francisco), Ermitage (St. Petersburg), Palazzo delle Esposizioni (Rome), MAXXI (Rome), Riso Museum (Palermo), Media Center (New York) ), Stelline (Milan), Italian Cultural Institute Nuova Dheli (India), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), Ca 'Foscari (Venice), Centrale Idrodinamica (Trieste), Centrale Montemartini Museum (Rome).



Born in Forlì, 1984. Lives and works in Rome. Independent curator and art historian. She graduated in Art History at the University of Pisa. He places the relationship between work of art and exhibition space at the center of his research, with particular attention to the concept of site-specific. The investigation into the genesis of the work of art in non-conventional exhibition spaces is the basis of a curatorial and theoretical approach that favors a reflection on the complex dynamics that link the work, the space and the public to each other. He teaches History of Contemporary Art at the Pantheon Institute in Rome / Milan and teaches at the IED in Florence. He is Art Advisor at the American Academy in Rome. She is co-founder and director of the There Is No Place Like Home project with which she received the Artribune Award for Contemporary Art in 2017. For the newspaper “Il Manifesto” she curates ALT - Contemporary art column. Since 2014 she has been curator of the "Hand Portrait" artistic residency. He writes for the art magazines Rivista Segno and Exibart. He has collaborated with various institutions, galleries and associations including: Tang Contemporary Hong Kong, Laboratory of the Mind Museum, Swiss Institute, artQ13, Limone Project, Lac Foundation or Le Mon Lecce; MAMbo of Bologna; Follemente Festival Teramo; Italian Cultural Institute London. He has edited books for the NERO, Viaindustriae and Palombi publishing houses.

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