The artists represent the research and development center of humanity. Through the way they challenge the materials and concepts of our time they produce new thoughts and generate innovative ideas.
With its symbolic value, art represents the main tool for positioning the brand internationally, allowing it to reach different audiences at the same time.
Being sustainable means knowing how to last over time. The artists are confronted every day with the design of works capable of overcoming the challenges of time.
Artists are the only social actors who systematically capture the signals of reality and imagine the future evolutions of society.
A project of the CDP Foundation - Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to bring 8 Italian artists under 35 to visit the headquarters of 8 Italian multinationals.
A project to reconnect art, business and territories, reading, through the sensitivity and tools of contemporary art, the forms and impact of doing business and work in the 21st century.
Benni Bosetto - Open Fiber
Namsal Siedlecki - Ansaldo Energia
Giulio Saverio Rossi - TIM
Lulù Nuti - Webuild
Giulia Cenci - Terna
Alice Ronchi - Snam
Tomaso De Luca - ENI
Amedeo Polazzo - CDP Immobiliare