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lucrezia Lombardi


Special thanks to the performers
Carola Spina
Vincenzo Silvestri

Alessandro Martina
Giorgia Papucci
Clarissa Dry
Alberto Boncoraglio

And to Spazio Cosmo for the support



Castellammare di Stabia, 1991. 

She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples with a thesis on the philosophical perspectives of living. She carries out her work as an independent critic and curator. At the center of his research is the concept of space, analyzed as an existential circumstance from both an intimate and a community and social point of view. He writes in sector magazines and art catalogues. He has collaborated with private foundations and museums including Asilo Filangieri, Fondazione Morra, Museo Madre, National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome, Italian cultural institutes abroad. He is currently a consultant for contemporary art for the Officine San Carlo and has publishedThe Existential Space. Definitions and corollaries vol 1 (Iemme Editions) e15 hypotheses for a history of contemporary art(Castelvecchi).



Eunapolis (Brazil), 1989,

He is adopted together with his twin by an Italian family. He met the theater from an early age in a children's theater school "Casa Babylon Theatre", and that's where his love for words, theatre, the body and the voice of the actors was born. He trained, looking for masters in a self-taught and hungry way, with Krystian Lupa, Massimiliano Civica, Danio Manfredini, Letizia Russo. He made his debut as an actor and director with a study dedicated to the province "Luna park - Study on the province", he continued his work as a director with "The five roses of Jennifer" by Annibale Ruovo and with the project "Safari" in collaboration with Interno 5. He collaborates as dramaturg for dance and performance with the Neapolitan choreographer Antonello Tudisco. 

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